March 2023 News Roundup
Welcome to our monthly data privacy news roundup. Our goal is to provide you with essential updates and insights into the constantly evolving world of data privacy.
Each month, we curate a list of the most significant news stories that affect your data rights and present them in a concise and easy-to-read format. In this month's edition, we will cover the most significant news on data privacy and its implications for you.
Let's jump right into what's been happening in March 2023.
Facebook's $725M settlement in Cambridge Analytica suit receives preliminary approval

Rand Paul blocks Josh Hawley's attempt to fast-track TikTok ban, exposing GOP split

ChatGPT is a data privacy nightmare. If you’ve ever posted online, you ought to be concerned

ChatGPT Is Banned in Italy Over Privacy Concerns
FTC reaches deal with online therapy company [Better Help] over data misuse claims
Capitol Hill data breach more 'extensive' than previously known

Find My Device: what is it and how do I use it?

Your Data Is Diminishing Your Freedom
Utah’s startling new rules for kids and social media

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