September 2022 News Roundup
If you care about what's happening in the world of data privacy and data rights, you're in the right place.
Here's your monthly news roundup to keep you in-the-know with the latest data privacy news. We'll compile a list of top stories for you every month and send you news bytes that are easy to find in one place.
Here's what has happened so far in September 2022...
Twitter whistleblower tells Congress the company was ’10 years behind’ industry security standards
How political candidates are targeting you on social media based on your music tastes, shopping habits and favorite TV shows
Facebook's $90 Million Data-Tracking Settlement: Last day to submit your claim was September, 22, 2022
Capital One $190 Million Data Breach Settlement: Last day to submit your claim was September, 30 2022
TikTok May Face $29 Million Fine for Failing to Protect Children’s Privacy
Apple reportedly tried to partner with Facebook to get a cut of its revenue
Uber Enters Non-Prosecution Agreement Related to 2016 Data Breach
Meta and TikTok can track everything you type on in-app browsers: researcher
Apple, the Ad Critic, Now Embraces Ads
S.Korea fines Google, Meta billions of won for privacy violations
Customs officials have copied Americans' phone data at massive scale
CA Attorney General Says ‘The Kid Gloves Are Coming Off’; Announces $1.2M Settlement with Retail Co. for CCPA Sales Violation
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