DDP's October 2021 Data Rights + Data Privacy News Roundup
Here's your monthly news roundup to keep you in the know with the latest data privacy news. We'll compile a list of top stories for you every month and send you news bytes that are easy to find in one place. Here's what has happened so far in October 2021...
If you care about what's happening in the world of data privacy and data rights, you're in the right place.
Here's your monthly news roundup to keep you in-the-know with the latest data privacy news. We'll compile a list of top stories for you every month and send you news bytes that are easy to find in one place.
Here's what has happened so far in October 2021...
October 2021 sees $235 million+ in data privacy settlements!
In a single month this year, there have been three data privacy settlements worth $235 million with TikTok, Zoom and Plaid Inc. (which provides services to Venmo and CashApp). It is actually over $265 million if you add in settlements by Wendy's, Shutterfly, and Kemper/Infinity.
And it's pretty likely that you'll be entitled to claim some of that cash. Read more in our post here:
Congress is reviving the data privacy debate. Don’t hold your breath for a federal law any time soon.
"Despite a litany of privacy scandals in Silicon Valley, legislation has been stagnating for years."
Clearview CEO doubles down, claims Clearview has now scraped over ten billion social media selfies for surveillance.
It's funny to think that our personal data, that helped create and train Clearview AI's system, is likely considered their intellectual property (and not ours).

Facebook to shut facial recognition system and delete 1bn ‘faceprints’
Facebook/Meta deleting our 'faceprints' is a major win for our data privacy. Keep making noise.

Venice, Overwhelmed by Tourists, Tries Tracking Them.
“Even if you don’t communicate it, your phone operator knows where you sleep.” It also knows where you work, he said, and that on a specific day you are visiting a city that is not yours.”
Google Wants to Help Tech Companies Know Less About You.
Does this mean Google is beginning to care about our privacy?

Hundreds of Scam Apps Hit Over 10 Million Android Devices.
Earlier this month we discussed stalkerware apps... Now we also have to beware of scam apps - especially if you use an Android phone.
“These attackers are organized and professional. They set this up as a business, and they're not just going to move on,”

All the Ways Amazon Tracks You—and How to Stop It.
If you've ever been curious about what Amazon knows about you - you'll definitely want to read this article.
“They happen to sell products, but they are a data company,” a former Amazon executive told the BBC in 2020.

‘Stalkerware’ Apps Are Proliferating. Protect Yourself.
Companies aren't the only ones who may be trying to steal your data for their own benefit. You may have stalkerware installed on your phone by someone you already know. Look for the signs.
US schools gave kids laptops during the pandemic. Then they spied on them.
A lesson to learn young: any computer or device issued by someone else (school, company, etc.) is being monitored, treat it as if it's spyware and do not do anything personal on them.

Amazon challenges record $865 million EU Data Protection fine.
We like to see Europe holding #BigTech Responsible for how they use our data.

Amazon’s Ring Camera Has an Eavesdropping Problem.
Do we need Ring cameras...or is it a marketing ploy playing on our fear in order to get more of our data?

Mark Zuckerberg will be named personally in a Facebook privacy lawsuit.
Mark Zuckerberg was recently added "to a consumer protection lawsuit, in one of the first efforts by a regulator to expose him personally to potential financial and other penalties."
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